Friday, August 26, 2011

Hello future me

Today is August 27th. 2008 for me, 2011 for you. You (I) won't see this text until three years have passed. I wonder what you will still remember from three years ago?

The idea for this blog came to me when I was reading the book 'Dictionary of the Khazars', in which a characters writes letters to herself.

Just to fill you in on what's going on in my life at the moment.

Sonja and me are living together in a rented apartment near Amstel station in Amsterdam. I'm working as a technical writer turning into a functional designer/usability expert at SDL Tridion. Sonja is working for KD Group as a corporate lawyer. She's currently representing her company in an arbitration case.

We're getting serious about buying a house in the West of the city, where we used to live, and are taking concrete steps, talking to mortgage people. We've recently taken Romina to Paris, where both she and Sonja had a rotten time, and me too, to be honest. Sonja is reading a 1000-page biography of Hitler: the Holocaust and the nazis continue to fascinate her.

As for my family: my dad is his old, unchanging self in Den Haag; my mother is living in Apeldoorn, giving money to the offspring that needs it; Jessica is living in Amsterdam, fairly close to us. DB just moved up one floor in his Rotterdam apartment.

Have to stop now: Sonja is packing for Ljubljana, I'll be following her at the end of the week.
DB has just moved

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